
Tip for the African Diaspora during this YEAR OF RETURN – Start a business.

Ghanaian High Commissions, Consulates and Embassies have been busy. It is reported that over 750,000 visas have been issued so far. The excitement is high and rising, with many notable names having already passed through. I personally experienced the disquiet at the Ghana High Commission in London and I thought that was wild, until Alan mentioned what happens nowadays at the Ghanaian Consulate in New York. They’re here, and more are coming! Accra is going to be packed. With such excitement comes opportunity that can work for you as a member of the African Diaspora, or work against you if you’re not alert. This is an opinion piece. Here is one thing to consider during Ghana’s YEAR OF RETURN 2019: Consider starting a business. It doesn’t have to be anything huge, nothing too complex. One of the hardest parts of starting a business is getting people to know you exist. As part of the diaspora, what better time to start a business than a time when you can play the “President Nana Addo personally asked me to do this” card. It IS the Year Of Return. I am confident you will find a long queue of state and private agencies just eager to help you get started. Take advantage of the hype and get noticed. Ghana is after all known for her peace and responsive disposition to foreigners. To be part of the diaspora during this YEAR OF RETURN could be a great plus if you’re considering starting a business. Don’t overthink a move for having roots back at home. The thing about trying new things is, it’s never easy. Nobody is selling that you pack up your life and move to Ghana in a day. No. But having roots in Ghana can go a long way. The interest is clearly there. There’s a reason why within about a year of launching the YEAR OF RETURN, over 750k visas have been issued. Don’t overthink it. The quote below sums it up best, from someone who has actually done it, from Oxford UK to Accra Ghana. Bet on yourself! “I will say ‘go for it’. But don’t get stuck to your desk running the numbers and envisaging all the possible and impossible scenarios. Too much analysis leads to paralysis. The best way to make it happen is simply to make a leap and make it happen. You’ll only be taking a bet on yourself.” by Elikem Nutifafa Kuenyehia, Chairman of ENSafrica Ghana. Reverse the brain drain, then capitalise on it. The most common reason for why individuals move outside Africa is to improve their chances for a brighter future, for themselves and for family. As a developing country, there’s room for those that have the skills and expertise to push the nation forward. The Western countries have saturated markets and these do not truly offer many options to the African dreamer or entrepreneur to create and drive substantial lasting impact… not like back here at home. Many are those that have set up successful businesses here after school or work or life abroad. You’ll have a reason to holiday right at home. It’s pretty nice being in Ghana. I’m typing this in London right now. This afternoon, I couldn’t feel the left half of my face. No, it’s not the first time. Yes, it’s the cold and the worst winter period isn’t even here yet. The conditions outside Ghana drive the diaspora to yearn for the favourable tropical climate back home. What better reason to travel back home than having a business in a vacation destination that both funds the holiday, and connects you to your roots. The elephant in the room. That elephant is the Individual and Systemic Racism that many still face while living abroad. It gets refreshing to be at the place you come from, a place you feel you belong. This YEAR OF RETURN set of activities will prove vital in filling up the holes many have had in their hearts from being made to feel like their unwanted guests in a foreign land. The red carpet Ghana continues to roll out does not end after the celebrations this festive season. You should look into all that the nation has done to ensure smooth sailing should you ever want to move back or work in Ghana or with Ghanaians. Dipping even one foot into the possibility of starting a business in Ghana has its own challenges. The system in Ghana is admittedly slightly different. It will take some adjusting to, just as a move from UK to Germany, or US to France would. Ghana is ripe. All you need is the will, a ton of research and preparation, and an open mind.  ♕ —- ♕ —- ♕ —- ♕ —- ♕ —- ♕ —- ♕ —- ♕ —- ♕ From My Thinking Spot While one part of this article urges you to start a business in Ghana, I can’t help but wonder all the reasons why people don’t do it, or won’t do it. Bad reviews? Unfortunate experiences? These don’t help. Of course a move like this is far complex than I put it here. But there are ways we can ensure a reduced probability for unwanted experiences during these YEAR OF RETURN celebrations. For with any set of events like these, there are predictable, easily avoidable risks, regardless of location. It’s not peculiar to Ghana. It’s a matter of common personal safety practices, with a sprinkle of common sense for good measure. For instance, it’s only prudent to attempt big steps in stages. You want to sample the fluidity of a business transaction? Maybe try with a small order at the first try. You want to move to Ghana? Maybe start with a couple short stays before moving fully. This start-small approach is particularly important when you’re considering entrepreneurial activities in Ghana. Also, manage your expectations. Accra is still far from New York or Paris. Understand where you come from. It is a beautiful place to be. That’s a fact. Managing your expectations means you have to drop the “if I was in California” or

Tip for the African Diaspora during this YEAR OF RETURN – Start a business. Read More »

Open Letter to My Newborn Daughter.

Dear Sweetheart, You have bestowed a huge honour upon me. Within the first week this year, I became Yvonne’s husband. Today, I am also Maxie’s dad, just as you are Maxwell’s daughter and our journey begins! When I first heard I was having a daughter, I think I froze a little. Ok I froze a lot. My mind catapulted elsewhere. Someone told me it’ll all be different when I see you. I didn’t believe it. You just proved me wrong. When I first saw you, I don’t think I have ever been so star-struck and terrified at the same time in my life! You were so cool and calm, eyes locked on me, as if to tell me “it’s ok”. It is ok. And now my watch begins… You are the newest member of a close-knit family and very good friends. You will learn very fast that you will never ever be alone. I asked your godparents what they want to say to you in this letter. Uncle Richard wishes you “blessings and joy and good life everyday under the watchful eye of God sweet MJ”. Auntie Abigail wants you to know she’s “here for you MJ. If daddy says no, talk to me and let’s make him change his mind.” You will have people in your corner every single day. The amount of love available to you is enviable. I want you to read things here that will have value to you over many decades. Not necessarily a roadmap to life. More like a little compass that can help you interpret the many roadmaps you shall come across as you navigate through this world.  Number 1: there will never be a better team in the world than Real Madrid. Let’s just get that scientific fact out of the way.  I believe in Science, and common sense. Be practical. The human genome is 99% identical to that of a chimpanzee, and 50% to a banana’s. If they make you believe you are 99% chimp, better know they’re calling you 50% banana as well. In case you’re wondering, no there is no banana ancestor on both sides of the family; no chimps either. I just checked. Your physical body isn’t all that you are. Eat healthy. Exercise regularly and all that, but don’t forget to nourish the other part of you that the eyes cannot see: your soul. Refrain from things that tarnish your purity. Pray without ceasing. Keep a clean conscience at all costs and know that God is real. The atheist can’t find God for the same reason that a thief can’t find a policeman. We shall have some very interesting discussions about that last line when you’re a bit older. Never feel bad if you ever feel a little different, or for thinking out of the box. It’s part of life. A genius alters the terms of her habitat. If you feel a bit different wherever you find yourself, you’re probably a genius relative to your surroundings so brush it off. Things don’t happen to you my love. YOU happen to things so be bold. And always know that I will be crazy and weird with you anytime any day anyway. Being understood is a highly underrated pleasure and you will have a lot of that all around you. I am here for you. Your mum too, and everyone that loves you so dearly. No matter how much of a genius you might be, geniuses fail too, but the only way to conclusively fail is to give up on all your dreams. You’re allowed to be bad at some things. The smartest people in the world get some things wrong at times. Correct your mistakes quickly and get over it. It’s hard but necessary. Don’t trip on what’s behind you. The only thing that matters is: what are you going to do, right now? Your current squad is a positive one keen to remind you of your No Limitations. There are certain lines you’ll be hearing often around here. Very Reverend Baiden will be quick to tell you to Trust But Verify. You’ll be served a lot of “You Quit The Process You Quit The Results”. Counsel Abu will emphasize on Cumulative Effect.  Fair warning: some of the older ones can flip any proverb any day. It used to really confuse me as a child. Today you’re the early bird so step out, tomorrow you’re the early worm so stay in. Welcome the ways of the old and the wiser. Listening to those who have more experience gives you the wisdom to know when you’re the bird and when you’re the worm. Wisdom makes you very pretty. Being smart is beautiful. You are already very beautiful and you will keep growing pulchritudinous with every passing day. Everybody that has seen you concurs. You never have to second-guess your elegance. Human beings telling you how pretty you are must be filed under “naturally expected feedback”. Beauty is already in your blood. Look at your mother! Even your grandmothers look a decade younger and then some.  Being pretty is enough for many, but not for you my love. It is important you understand that the feedback you aspire to hear should be about the talents you’ve earned & sweated for, and the achievements you’ve worked so hard to accomplish. Your looks is just the tip of the titanic sustenance you have to offer the world. Cultivate a good and humble character, and always respect your mother. You are currently my first and only child. Your mother wants us to have eight kids but we’re still in arbitration on that. Witnessing your birth has given me a unique perspective and newfound respect for your mother, for our mothers, and for women at large. Your mum is the bravest woman I know. She’s stronger than I could ever be, a thousand fold. Try to always remind yourself that your mother has been through a lot to get you here and now that you’re here, to us you’ll forever

Open Letter to My Newborn Daughter. Read More »

Entrepreneurship World Cup Winner takes home $500,000!

Inspiration for this piece was the tenacity of Uju when you hear her speak… and her life story… then add winning $500k to the mix from the most bodacious award name conceivable. Award name: Entrepreneurship World Cup (EWC) Award winner: Uju Uzo-Ojinnaka (Regional Winner) Uju was in Hangzhou was for Jack Ma’s eFounder’s Fellowship program when we created this piece. I want every word printed so let’s read from the Winner herself. What is EWC: The Entrepreneurship World Cup (EWC) is an international competition organized by the Misk World Forum in partnership with the Global Entrepreneurship Network. It is for entrepreneurs from all over the world with all kinds of start-ups, whether in the initial, idea, or growth stage. How did you come to enter this competition? What a journey this might have been! Yes, what a journey! We came across this competition online via social media. The journey so far has been both challenging and exciting. For us it was just a competition. It became real when we were contacted that we had been shortlisted for the final round. We didn’t expect to be selected. The preparation for the finals started immediately, we spent the following days practicing our pitch to get it right as we were told we would have only 3 minutes pitching. This was challenging. On the day of the finals we reminded ourselves that regardless of what happens we will keep pushing. This was the first we would be pitching to a panel, so everyone was nervous. After pitching we just kept our fingers crossed and hoped for the best, and we were announced the winner. It was a feeling of so much Joy, excitement, and we suddenly realized how much an impact we were making as Traders of Africa. What has been some highlights of the whole journey? The Highlight of this entire journey was the actual winning the Entrepreneurship World Cup! It was something we never expected. It has given us access to a lot of resources from around the world, and good exposure. A lot more people are aware of the work we do at Traders of Africa and the impact we are making in Trade in Africa. What is next for you after winning the award? I know you’ll be representing Nigeria in the global finals in Saudi Arabia. We have a shot at winning the Global Finals this November in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. We are working really hard to tell our story better and show the entire world how much impact we can make with what we do in TOFA. We need a lot more hands on deck; we need Strategic Partnerships. We will not be able to achieve all of this if we fail to tell our story the right way. However, I feel that we have won already; the opportunities for networking, trainings, mentorship opportunities, broaden our mindset to possibilities and opportunity to put TOFA on a global stage makes us winners already. Getting the prize is just an icing to the cake. At what exact point did you decide to leave the banking sector after 9 years? I became restless at a point in my career; I felt that I should be an employer of labour, so I left after 9 years to start a toilet tissue manufacturing company in 2006. In September 2007, we had to close the factory and I joined our family business – Beniz Electricals Limited which grew into Beniz Construction Depot – BCD. BCD is a one stop construction finishing shop, trading in various construction finishing products like tiles, sanitary ware, Electricals, switches and sockets, light fittings, doors, kitchens and wardrobes. Whilst with BCD, I conceptualized TOFA in 2017 and then the work started. To what do you attribute your success? GOD What are your thoughts on Women in Entrepreneurship? I think women have an innate strength that propels us to excel in any given task; we are able to multi-task, put people first, and are patient and tenacious. You will agree with me that these are some of the qualities you need to make your business work. Tell us about TOFA. In 2016, I needed a broadening of mindset to better tackle the challenges we were facing in our family business as we try to scale hence, I enrolled for the Global Executive MBA – GEMBA from the China Europe International Business School – CEIBS; I am the class president of the Zurich GEMBA 2016. In Nigeria at that time, the government placed foreign exchange controls so as to prevent the collapse of our Naira. Our family business being import dependent had bills to settle in China and we needed USD. I was also seeking for a Chinese company importing from Nigeria – The idea was that we could settle their Nigerian bills while they settle ours in China. In my search, one of my cohort in CEIBS introduced me to a Ghanaian Agropreneur – Elorm, who was looking for a partner in Nigeria. Elorm had an Indian customer who required 20 containers of groundnuts. She wants to buy from Nigeria, the buyer would pay in USD. I was elated, sent samples, buyer approved and asked that I assemble the products to a warehouse in Lagos and they would pay cash after inspection at the warehouse. Groundnut is grown in the Northern part of Nigeria, therefore, I asked one of my cohorts who is from the North to work with me on the order. We looked for suppliers who had that quantity of groundnut at the price the buyer was willing to pay, searched online, asked around but found no-one. Though we found a few sellers on Alibaba platform, but their details were incorrect or stale. We even tried buying from Benin but the pricing was high when we added the logistics cost. I became quite frustrated and saw my dream of getting USD and some profit go into thin air. Even when the buyer reduced the quantity to 1 container,

Entrepreneurship World Cup Winner takes home $500,000! Read More »