About us
Strategic Partnerships
Our partnerships span across several areas of industry, products, and services. We do this because of the communities and markets that we serve, in line with MIG Goal 10.

MTN aYo makes health insurance and life insurance available to our beneficiaries in various countries in Africa. This service is especially central for us because innovation adoption is hampered in low-income communities due to the general lack of the provision of health insurance and life insurance for community members; this means efforts and finances that would otherwise go towards the creation of micro-economies would instead be used to cover healthcare and life insurance. In line with MIG Goal 5 – Access to Essential Healthcare, there is a strong and salient reason services such as basic healthcare are human rights. We focus heavily on this area. Our MTN aYo medical cover and life insurance is delivered through our USSD framework using our bespoke code for all our project countries across Africa.

One of our most prominent partnerships yet is with GAWU (the Ghana Agricultural Workers Union). This collective is Ghana’s largest trade union under the Trade Union Congress (TUC) of Ghana. Working with this union ties deeply into MIG Goals 1, 2, 8 & 9. We are also able to provide impact services to this community of well-managed and properly-organised entrepreneurs. The organisation of GAWU affords us the unique opportunity of access to the largest pack of contributors to Ghana’s agriculture which is about 50% of the country’s GDP. GAWU has always served as one of our prime examples of a collective community that is opportune grounds for collective community projects; for community buy-in, and the stability that a well-grounded and trusted implementation partner can contribute to ensuring project success.