News and Articles


In today’s highly competitive global market, the pressure on businesses to minimise costs and enhance efficiency is greater than ever. This is particularly true for Ghana, where both large corporations and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) are navigating the

Imagine a persistent drip, drip, drip in the quiet of your night. Annoyance builds, sleep eludes you, and eventually, you get up to turn off the tap. A bad boss or manager can feel much the same,

The role of interest rates in shaping economic landscapes is deeply rooted in history. It has been influenced by evolving monetary policies, cultural beliefs, and responses to financial crises. By tracing this historical evolution, we can better

These articles, particularly ones like this, are my love letter to posterity, for they are my thoughts formed from all I have known as I witness the dynamic structures of what is and pontificate on what could

The Affirmative Action (Gender Equality) Bill 2024 represents a landmark legislative effort in Ghana’s ongoing journey towards achieving gender parity across all sectors of society. This bill, recently passed by the Ghanaian Parliament, seeks to address the

A striking paradox exists in Ghana: despite our people’s abundant talent and wisdom, many capable individuals shy away from pursuing innovative ventures. The primary reason for this hesitation is a pervasive fear of financial inadequacy. This fear